Capture One Pro 11

(check out Doug’s Notes before installing)

Just released from Phase One, Capture One Pro 11 with a whole host of new features:

This feature enables mark-up and annotation on an image for communication between photographer and retoucher when collaborating on projects. The annotations are stored as part of the settings files and so can be packed easily with EIP. A small pencil icon is used to indicate Annotated images in the Browser. The feature includes:
•  Drawing (in several colors)
•  Erase
• Tool bar Show/hide button
•  Filters (by annotated state)
•  Include/exclude options when processing/exporting
•  Annotations in a separate Layer (see Export with Assets below)

Export/Process with Assets
Capture One 11 adds the ability to include elements of the Capture One workflow in the final file. The options to include can be configured in the recipe tab>Meta data. When used as a PSD Export, the asset will be included in its own layer.

Improved Back-up and Restore Mechanism for Catalogs
Should the catalog need restoring from a back up, following crash or corruption the application can now assist the user in restoring the back up file from the back-ups folder automatically.

Duplicate Checker for the Importer
Designed to solve the problems of importing from reusing a partially full memory card, the importer can check the source against the document for files already imported. Using a super robust caching mechanism against the RAW data means importing the difference from the last import is easy, accurate and efficient.

Lab Readouts
Due to popular request, the Lab readouts function has been added to the application, giving Lab values at the cursor point in the image. Enable Lab readouts from the View menu.

Levels as a Layer Adjustment
Levels can now be used in conjunction with layers/masks.

Color Balance as a Layer Adjustment
Color balance can now be used in conjunction with layers/masks.

Create New Filled Layer
Click and hold the Create new “+” icon in the Layers tool to reveal the new option – Create new filled mask can be found here. This is useful for creating a quick filled layer for adding an overall master-grade to an image.

Presets for Layer Capable Tools
The preset function (saving a tool setting for later use) is now available when working with Layers.

Master Layer Opacity
Once adjustments (or a Style as described above) are applied in a mask, the “impact” of the layer adjustment can be modified with the Opacity slider. Each layer has a percentage indicator giving an overview of blending when using multiple Layers.

Feather Mask
Once a Mask is drawn, the edges can be softened by Feathering the Mask. Click the “…” menu in the Layers tool > Feather Mask to open the modal dialog.

Refine Mask Edge
Used in combination with Auto Mask. Auto Mask the target area as normal, aiming to get a tight a mask as possible. Run “Refine Mask” from the “…” menu in the Layers tool to refine the selection. This is best used in combination with the Greyscale Mask preview (especially with fine selections like hair).

Greyscale Mask Preview
Converts the preview to a Black and White image to aid masking and fine selections.

Purchasers of Capture One Pro 10 from November 1st through 30th, 2017, are eligible for a free upgrade to Capture One Pro 11.

We recommend that your computer has at least the minimum specifications outlined below to run Capture One Pro 11.

Microsoft® Windows® minimum requirements
• Intel or AMD CPU with 2 cores
• 8 GB of RAM
• 10 GB of free hard disk space
• Color calibrated monitor with 1280×800, 24-bit resolution at 96dpi screen ruling
• Windows 7® SP1 64-bit, Windows 8.1® 64-bit, Windows 10® 64-bit*
• Microsoft® .NET Framework version 4.7 (will be installed if not present)
*Support for Capture One 11 on Windows 10 is supported for builds supporting .NET 4.7 –
This is currently from Windows 10 Anniversary Update (build 1607) through to Fall Creators
Edition (build 1709)

Apple® Macintosh® minimum requirements
• Intel CPU with 2 cores
• 8 GB of RAM
• 10 GB of free hard disk space
• Calibrated color monitor with 1280×800, 24-bit resolution at 96dpi
• OS X 10.11.6, macOS 10.12.6, macOS 10.13*
*Support for macOS 10.13 is supported for builds up to 10.13.1

Recommended system requirements if working with high-resolution images and doing calculation-heavy adjustments:
• Intel CPU with 4+ cores
• 16+ GB of RAM
• Solid State Disk (SSD)
• A fast Graphics card from NVIDIA or AMD with 2GB+ RAM (4+ GB for 4k or multiple


BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD YOUR UPDATED VERSION OF CAPTURE ONE PRO, I WOULD SUGGEST THAT YOU RENAME YOUR EXISTING APPLICATION TO PREVENT THE POSSIBILITY OF OVERWRITING THE ORIGINAL APPLICATION.  EVEN THOUGH THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, WE ARE PREVENTING THE POSSIBILITY.   For example, go into your application folder and click ONCE on the exisitng Capture One application icon.  The name will be highlighted and you can add onto the name (rename as  Capture One v9).

Be it photographic equipment, computer equipment or especially software, I have found that there are basically three types of user personalities with regards to updates and upgrades.

– The first type is probably the most dangerous. Let’s call these folks “the pioneers” of the industry and we owe them a debt of gratitude for keeping our aspirin bills to a minimum.  These are the folks that have to have the absolute biggest, best and most up-to-date of anything that comes their way.

– The second category (of which I fall into) are “the waiters” and we are somewhat conservative. Basically we wait for a little while until the newly released items have had the majority of bugs reported and worked out by “the pioneers”.

– The third and last category belong to the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” people.   While this is a legitimate and often healthy attitude, the dangers of falling behind remain a reality with regards to OS and hardware requirements.

Be aware that there is indeed a difference between “upgrading” and “updating”. I generally tend to think of upgrading as acquiring brand new equipment such as a new computer, a new camera, scanner, printer or even operating system (OS 10.10.x to 10.11.x for example, how fun was that?) for your computer. I refer to updating as bringing your software to a version number that has fixed some issues discovered by the pioneers. For example you could update your Capture One from v8.3.3 to v8.3.4, or your OS to 10.10.4 to 10.10.5.

I support a tremendous number of users in the digital imaging arena and everyday I come across at least two of the afore mentioned personalities. More often than not it’s the pioneers that I spend most of my time with. The biggest issue can be a change in the OS (OS 10.10.x to 10.11.x ) or in software (Doug-o-shop v8 to Doug-o-shop v9). Quite a few people do not recognize the fact that the newer OS can have completely different drivers or USB / FireWire protocols thus rendering peripherals useless until a basic update is released.

I can understand wanting to try something new and get the latest and greatest but for goodness sake, take some responsibility. Think about the follow items before diving into something new:

– Is it worth the effort of getting into something new?

– Will my images benefit from it?

– Back up your hard drive and data base before diving in.

– Experiment on copies of your images with the new software.

– Many software companies allow for a downloadable trial version, make use of that offer.

– Have an escape plan to revert to your tried and true system in the event that you are not happy with the upgrade.

One final thought:

 Please, please, please, turn OFF any of the automatic updates on your computer, applications, OS, or whatever. YOU make the choice as to if you want to upate or not. Do research, ask questions, try and find out what aches and pains the pioneers have sacrificed themselves so we do not make the same mistakes.

Download the new version here

Stay tuned  for a upcoming Capture One Pro Seminar at ProGear (date TBD).